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Posts tagged with: ICS


My two doctoral students, Christoph Mühlmann and Una Radojicic, defended their dissertations successfully this week! I’m very proud of their accomplishments!

Christoph considered blind source separation methods for spatial data and Una non-Gaussian feature extraction for vector- and matrix-variate data. Both dissertations will be soon online available.

End of the year rush

The end of 2016 was busy but productive. Two more papers were uploaded to Arxiv:

  1.  “Projection Pursuit for non-Gaussian Independent Components
  2. Multivariate Outlier Detection with ICS

and two R packages were uploaded to CRAN:

  1. ICSOutlier which implements the methods from paper 2 above.
  2. ICtest which provides the methods from paper 1 above and from our recently submitted paper “Asymptotic and bootstrap tests for subspace dimension“.

Feedback and comments are welcome!